How to feel better about Selling

Sales. Some people love it. Some people hate it. Some people are great at it. Some people could use some improvement.

As a natural salesman, I have a lot of empathy for people whose strong suit is not sales. After all, nothing gets done without it. From our politics, to our jobs, and even to our families, NOTHING gets done without some form of sales. 

So if you don’t like sales, it can really be a tough world to live in. 

On the other hand, I have discovered that most people don’t really have a problem with selling. They really just have a problem with sellers taking advantage of people. 

Maybe it was the person who called them about their extended car warranty that has just expired.

Maybe it was the politician who lied. 

Maybe it was the insurance company that didn’t follow through on a payout due to a minor technicality. 

When they think of sales, this is what comes to mind. Someone that is dishonest and immoral. 

But I have great news. That is not what selling is. 

True salesmanship is not about taking advantage of people and lying for your personal gain. Selling is about solving a person’s problem. It is about meeting someone’s needs. Simply put, it’s about helping. 

That’s why asking questions is so important. It tells us if the customer is in need of our product. 

Will the product that you’re selling help the customer? Will it solve their problem? 

You are not an immoral, dishonest, or evil person when you sell products that truly help to solve a customer’s problem. 

You are a problem solver. You are a helper. You are a friend.

It is vital to know the difference.